Republicans for Jay Fawcett: how can this not be news on Colorado Pols?
It’s all in the power of the administrator, that’s how.
Mel Brooks said it best: “It’s good to be the king.”
Now, about those odd odds, CPols……..
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CD-5 and especially outside of El Paso County to believe it, but, yea folks…it is going to happen here. You can keep Jay low in your odds, and favor Lamborn but seriously, you need to be here.
The DEMS are fired up, the Republicans are quietly jumping ship ! It’s going to happen. Few outside of the district seem to believe it can really happen but it can. It WILL.
Jay has been getting more and more support daily.
Go to ActBlue and become a part of it.
Be a part of something that can make CO better, and make America better.
You can thank me after Jay wins for convincing you to be a part of it.
It is not our abilities that define us; it is our choices that show who we truly are….Dumbledore to Harry Potter (J.K.Rowling)
Honestly Jjc2006, I don’t know which is more fanciful, your belief that Fawcett has a chance in CD5 or your Harry Potter quote.
CD5 is the third most conservative district in the US (according to the 2000 US Census), Democrats have a third the registration as Republicans, and Fawcett has raised about a third as much as Lamborn (and that’s before the national PAC’s decide to ignore Fawcett in favor of the infinitely more electable Perlmutter). Fawcett will be lucky to get a third of the vote.
From where I stand, I can’t see any fired up Dems. All I see are a couple lawn signs up around town. As for “droves” of Republicans jumping ship. Are you talking about the two dozen that Fawcett put on his website? Congrats. Eight months into a ten month election, and Fawcett has already gotten 23 R’s on his side. I could go and find that many Dems who aren’t going to vote for Fawcett. You’re going to have to a lot better than that, and you’re going to have to do it soon.
And your attitude is exactly what the Fawcett camp is eating up.
Wake up folks. I have said it from the first time I read Fawcett’s bio, this guy is for real. Lamborn or any of the other possible candidates should have had a cake walk, but the disaster of Lamborn’s primary race has put this seat in potential play. It will still go R right now, but one mistake out of Lamborn and the Ds could pick this up. If Hoteling is nailed for coordinating with 527s, which it looks likely he did, Fawcett can kill Lamborn on integrity (as if he does not have enough ammunition to do so right now).
I do believe that Republicans are defecting. Many people I know had planned on donating to the winner, but now are going to give to other races. I also have talked to a lot of people who either plan to leave CD5 blank in November or vote Fawcett out of protest. There are a lot of folks who do not want Lamborn in for 30 years and would take Fawcett for 2 to avoid it.
This is still a safe seat, but Lamborn is on his ninth life and one more mistake can lose this one.
So the Fawcett campaign is eating this up huh? What, the insiders blogosphere? What percentage of people who vote in CD5 read Colopols (much less the sidebar)? And what percentage of those people are genuinely undecided about who they’ll vote for?
The whole 527 bit was a failed attempt by your man (Crank, lest you forget) to slander Lamborn. It didn’t stick then, and it’s not sticking now. We would have heard from the FEC by now (5 weeks after the “suit” was filed) if there were the slightest shred of credibility to those claims.
As for Fawcett being real? What, a real small business owner? I’ve been to his site to. You know what I see? A man with no public record, who thinks that if he cuts and pastes enough Daily Kos talking points, that he’ll seem like an expert on matters that he knows little about.
Robert, you can preach to the other insiders all you want, but Fawcett’s not pulling in the money, or buzz, or momentum that it’s gonna take. All this winds up sounding like is sour grapes.
You really are blind to how bad things can get aren’t you. Lamborn got trashed on election night. He was polling in the tank by election day because of the negativity of his campaign. Remember this, he was only supported by about a quarter of the extreme party loyalists who voted, the other 75% really despised him. If you do the math, it would only take about 30% of those who were disgusted with his campaign to stay home to turn the election toward Fawcett.
Now you say Fawcett has no record. This is the same arrogance that Lamborn spewed during the primary that got him in trouble. Fawcett is a highly decorated war veteran. He is an Air Force Academy graduate. He has at ton of national support and endorsements. He will destroy Lamborn any time in a debate, and he is way more articulate and believable on national security and military issues. He is a retired Lt Colonel from the Air Force and that will carry a lot of weight with the moderates.
Honestly, I would put myself in the category of voting for Fawcett out of protest or not checking a box on that part of the ballot. I think Lamborn is a disgrace to our party and I would sacrifice 2 years to get a decent person with some integrity into office. I don’t know how many others out there feel the same way, but I doubt I am the only one who has come to this conclusion.
It might have the 3rd highest percentages of voters registered Republican but the Republican Party has forgotten what it meant to be conservative a long time ago.
And what district is the most Republican in the nation? And how have those elections gone? Republican barely squeaking out a victory?
Fawcett is dead even in this race and the odds should reflect that.
You assert that Lamborn got creamed on election night. However, he had the most support of any of the candidates. That’s why he won the nomination. What polls to you speak of? The Bremer one that had Lamborn leading? You don’t have any other polls. You’ll probably say that Lamborn lost on election day, but he won in El Paso, which is where he campaigned. So Lamborn got 30% of the vote. Does that mean the other 70% hated him? No, it means that the other 70% prefered somebody else. Look at Tancredo in 94, and you’ll see. Tancredo got through 6 primary challengers with about 25%, and he walked in the general. High negatives? Show me high negatives? All you can show me is the echo chamber you and your friends made on Colopols intoning that.
Lamborn had to get past five strong challengers to get to this point. Fawcett? Nobody. Sure Fawcett was in the military, but so was Rayburn. Not only that but Rayburn had raised more to the primary than Fawcett still has, and Rayburn is more decorated. What did that get him? A loss to Lamborn.
As to the debate issue you bring up. 1) Fawcett doesn’t debate well, he pontificates. 2) Even if he does debate well, there ain’t gonna be more than 1-2 debates. 3)This isn’t the presidental election. No one in CS televises those things. So what, maybe 1-2 hundred undecided voters are audience to Fawcett’s “superior” debate skills.
Already in this election, all Fawcett can do is define himself as “Not Lamborn”. Everything in his campaign, from his literature, and website and “R’s for Fawcett” is Jay just defining himself against Lamborn. Well, guess what. That’s no way to win an election. Lamborn’s just cruising along, raising funds, and getting his message out. Fawcett? All he’s doing is defining the election in terms of Lamborn. Well, that’s just dumb politicking.
And all you’ve got left to hold on is your own amnity to Lamborn, and this “gut felling” you’ve got that some nebulous amount of people might not be voting for Lamborn. Well, that and $1.09 will by you a cup of coffee.
It’s a little disengenuous to link in his own website to “Republicans for Jay Fawcett”. That’s not the key to his victory. It’s the continuing “tom tom” of the war drums being beaten by Republicans in the 5th CD that are AGAINST Doug Lamborn that will win the race for Fawcett.
Lamborn has turned off the Republicans in the 5th CD. That is also the reason that Ritter will win the governor’s race. Without the drawing card of a presidential race, and with Beauprez’ not turning back on the Republicans that Lamborn has turned off that will drop out of the general election voting, Ritter wins. Beauprez has to have a strong Republican turnout in the 5th CD, especially in El Paso County. No chance of that in light of Lamborn’s candidacy in the 5th CD. So, as a result, the Democrats are set for a “twofer” thanks to Lamborn.
Keep dreaming.
Lamborn has fallen into the ditch he dug for others.